Sustainable Drainage Systems
The use of SuDS is a requirement on developments to serve several functions. These include controlling runoff water rates and volumes to lower downstream flood risk, reducing pollutant concentrations, acting as a buffer for accidental spills to improve runoff water quality, enhancing the amenity value of the site and promoting biodiversity.
If incorporated from inception, SuDS schemes can offer a very economical drainage solution with added value and ecological benefits.
Our SuDS experience ranges from the use of private and adoptable permeable paving to wet and dry swales, infiltration and detention ponds and the use of landscaping to convey clean surface water.
As well as designing SuDS for all scenarios, at Ingent we are also able to provide management and maintenance schemes for the construction and lifetime of the scheme.
In order to ensure that SuDS schemes are working correctly, schemes, the planning permission often stipulates that the Contractor when appointed produces a Construction Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP). Ingent is able to provide support and design to contractors for these plans.
Recent projects
Off-site Highway Works, on site development Highway Works or Private developments.
Site access proposals for Hopkins Homes under a Section 278 agreement with the Highway Authority.
Ingent worked with Bloor Homes to deliver a 180 dwelling residential development off Woods Lane in Melton, Suffolk.