Roads & Highways
Our expertise in highway design can deliver solutions for all types of carriageway – from a simple crossover agreement on a road giving access to a small estate, through to major interchange improvements and the creation of strategic highways to enable major developments.
We have experience in dealing with many of the Highways Authorities across the country, gaining approvals for on-site Section 38 Agreements as well as off-site Section 278 Agreements, Minor Works Agreements and Temporary Site Access Agreements.
Our team is also able to carry out condition surveys and inspections of on-site road construction where required.
Recent projects
Providing civil engineering expertise on urban redevelopments is an important area of Ingent’s expertise, in addition to its work on greenfield projects of all sizes.
Providing infrastructure design services for projects varying from small to large multi-phased developments is one of Ingent’s core services.
Ingent is very experienced in providing civil engineering design support for the planning and construction of educational establishments, both new-build and extended facilities.